Urban Community Cohort

Math & Science

My journey as a teacher of mathematics and science is one of passion, inspiration, and dedication to nurturing critical thinkers. Through these subjects, I strive to open doors to a world of inquiry, encouraging students to embrace challenges, think critically, and approach the complexities of life with a sense of wonder and analytical prowess.


The journey into fostering collaboration through outdoor activities is a testament to the holistic approach in education. By providing students with opportunities to collaborate in the natural world, we not only enrich their academic experiences but also equip them with essential life skills. The importance of collaboration becomes not just a lesson but a foundation for a future generation capable of working together to navigate the challenges of an interconnected world.

STEAM Activities

Implementing STEAM in teaching is the driving forces that propel education into the future. By embracing new methodologies, leveraging technology, and fostering a holistic approach to learning, we can inspire students to not only meet the challenges of tomorrow but also become active contributors to shaping a world that reflects their innovative visions and aspirations.